5 Essential Furniture Items For Your Home Office
Wave Office LTD Blog
by Dave Bulter
4y ago
COVID-19 has officially swept the nation, and now home offices are becoming the new normal. Many people have adapted to changes, but some are still finding it difficult to create an efficient working space at their homes. And without the right furniture or space, working from home can seem like a chore rather than a refreshing experience. Here at Wave Office, we are the experts of office furniture and know what essentials you need to help you be the most productive. From office chairs to desks, storage solutions and more, we can help you find the right furniture to suit your needs. With the ri ..read more
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Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
Did you know that one in four adults are classified as clinically obese?   This means that one in every four of your employees could be obese and require additional adjustments to support their comfort and overall wellbeing.   In the UK, an estimated 15.5-16 million sick days taken per year are attributed to the effects of obesity. Obesity can cause a number of serious health issues such as: high blood pressure diabetes heart disease some types of cancer musculoskeletal conditions poor mental and emotional wellbeing   All of these effects of obesity can also have repercussions on the productiv ..read more
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Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
February is the British Heart Foundation’s, National Heart Health Month and we are all encouraged to learn as much as possible about looking after our hearts Many deaths and preventable disabilities in the UK are caused by heart related illnesses, but making some simple changes can improve your chances of avoiding these diseases. Diet A good diet is vital for overall health, but it is even more important when it comes to health of the heart. However, if you work in an office environment, sticking to healthy food choices can be particularly difficult. Birthdays, celebrations, leftovers and gen ..read more
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Getting to work in winter weather
Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
Snow, rain or ice , as well as lower light levels or glare from the low sun are all conditions that can make the winter commute very hazardous. Driving in these types of weather can be extremely stressful and require a lot of concentration. However, there is some sensible advice to be followed to try to make your commute as safe and calm as possible. Give yourself extra time: Rushing is a main cause of mistakes and feeling under pressure to arrive on time can cause you to speed. In winter, this can be even more dangerous than speeding in normal conditions. Remember that in snowy and icy condit ..read more
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Cold Weather Working
Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
Cold weather brings lots of worries for employers and employees alike. Main concerns include travel, absenteeism, illnesses and general health and safety. In this post, we aim to give a little practical advice to help you to handle the biggest business concerns that cold weather brings. What temperature should my workplace be? There is no legal lower limit for indoor working temperature, but the Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations of 1992 state that the minimum temperature in the workplace should not fall below 16°c, reduced to 13°c if the work requires a high level of physical ..read more
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How To Make Hot Desking Work for Your Company
Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
Hot desking can have many benefits for your business and can be especially useful for companies that have smaller offices or for organisations who promote flexible working. However, there can be a variety of barriers to the successful implementation of hot desking. Here we aim to highlight the biggest of those hot desking problems and provide some tips and insight into how you can avoid any big issues.   Have a system in place that allows employees to “reserve a desk” Some days will require more desk based work than other. Having the option to make sure a desk is available when needed ..read more
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Why Are Office Kitchen Areas So Important?
Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
Interior design trends are clearly showing that kitchens are becoming the new domestic hub. This trend is now spilling over to the work place and it’s easy to see why. A well designed kitchen area, breakout space or canteen, provides a much needed break from screen time and allows employees to rest, recharge and socialise with colleagues. These areas are fast becoming the collaboration hubs of the office, where creative ideas are conceived and cross-department relationships are formed. Kitchens and breakout areas provide employees with space for a no-obligation rest, chat or meeting. It’s an ..read more
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Getting Through Winter at the Office
Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
Most staff will be waking up to dark mornings and leaving the office in the dark. It’s cold and rainy, so commutes are even more miserable and there’s less to do during leisure time outside of the office. Christmas is only a few weeks away and some may be stressed with the cost and organisation associated with it. And to top it all off, it’s cold and flu season. So, what can be done to lift spirits and make sure that staff well-being is cared for over the winter months? Provide healthy snacks This is important in keeping people alert and productive and stopping the afternoon slump. Comfort eat ..read more
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How Can I Manage Stress At Work?
Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
On Stress Awareness Day, we look at some ways that stress at work can be managed Don’t stay silent If your workload is too overwhelming, talk to your manager or a colleague. Explain to them why you’re struggling, especially if the problem is out of your control. This helps to keep the people around you informed, which in itself should relieve some pressure. A manager or colleague may be able to offer a solution that you hadn’t thought of, or even take some of your workload off your shoulders. Take breaks and try to relax Stress slows down and distorts the cognitive functions of the brain. Thi ..read more
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Ergonomic Tips for Teachers
Wave Office LTD Blog
by christie-lee
5y ago
Although teachers are not necessarily sat down for as long as office workers, they are still just as susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) Standing for extended periods of time, bending or crouching down to low desks and chairs, or sitting on chairs designed for children can all put strain on a teacher’s body. MSDs are one of the leading reasons for extended periods of time off across a range of professions throughout the UK workforce. The economical impact of extended absence is huge and in the case of teachers, the academic impact on students also needs to be considered. Research ..read more
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