DrugRehab.com Blog
Our mission at DrugRehab.com is to equip those suffering from substance use disorders and their families with the best information and resources to overcome addiction and lead a lifelong recovery. Follow this site and discover treatment options, ways to help, and understand what causes addiction.
DrugRehab.com Blog
4y ago
As April 20 approaches, kids in middle and high schools across the country are likely hearing the words pot, weed and marijuana more often. If you’re a parent who hasn’t ..read more
DrugRehab.com Blog
4y ago
If you’re planning on buying a detox drink or kit to help you pass a drug test, you’re going to find a lot of expensive products. But you aren’t going ..read more
DrugRehab.com Blog
4y ago
In high school, Brittany Hudson loved to party with friends. Her constant experimenting with drugs eventually led to an addiction to painkillers. A few years later, she was pregnant but ..read more
DrugRehab.com Blog
4y ago
Ask most Americans what Cinco de Mayo is about, and they’ll probably give you the wrong answer. But that doesn’t keep them from celebrating. For many, Cinco de Mayo, which ..read more
DrugRehab.com Blog
4y ago
America’s drug crisis is providing a wealth of material for documentary filmmakers — and several new movies are required watching for anyone who wants to better understand drug addiction, recovery ..read more
DrugRehab.com Blog
4y ago
Most smokers want to quit. They understand that tobacco isn’t healthy, and they know that smoking can affect their appearance, appetite and ability to breathe properly. They may also be ..read more