James McFall in the News ...The Myths About Buying a Home
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/mind-body/wellbeing/homebuying-myths-youre-okay-to-ignore/news-story/9633bb6720074ebee92891d5d9f87f65 ..read more
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Yield Financial Planning EOFY Portfolio returns are in!
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
Yield’s EOFY Portfolio Returns Our investment advice is always personalised, taking into consideration what our clients are trying to achieve and then related to a client’s personal risk profile. As part of our ongoing service for clients, we review performance and benchmark it, to help them understand how their wealth is growing and the factors that have impacted their performance for the year. The portfolio’s that we have requested Accounting & Adviser Services to monitor represent our most commonly used ones.  YIELD FINANCIAL PLANNING – 30th June 2019 MODEL PORTFOLIOS PERFORMANCE RESU ..read more
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Fixed interest bonds – What are they and why are they important as part of your defensive investment allocation?
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
Fixed interest bonds An Investment bond is an income producing investment which forms the backbone of almost every diversified investment portfolio. This widespread popularity stems from Bond’s tending to yield the highest and most reliable income streams when compared to other defensive asset classes, even at times when interest rates are at an all-time low. Despite their notoriety, we’ve found that many investors fail to understand what they are and how bonds work, so in this piece we will aim to provide a brief explanation of this and why they form an important part of your defensive invest ..read more
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What to do when you make an excess contribution to super?
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
What are concessional Contributions? Concessional contributions to Superannuation are contributions made to Super that are made from Pre-tax monies and include contributions such as Superannuation Guarantee (S.G), Salary Sacrifice contributions and any other pre-tax contributions. The main benefit of Concessional contributions is the tax saving that is generated when an individual’s Marginal tax rate is higher than the Super Concessional tax rate of 15%. This is because concessional contributions, rather than being taxed at an individual’s Marginal tax rate which could be up to 49% (including ..read more
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Why do you need a financial plan?
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
Financial planning is often misunderstood. I think this is because people typically associate the potential solutions a financial planner can offer – like investing, insurance or super advice for example – as being the main value of the financial planning relationship. But in reality it is the plan we help you create itself, that is where the true value lies. A plan that is yours – to achieve what is important to you – and only then, do we relate the products that can help you achieve your objectives to your situation. Ultimately, financial planning is about easing worries you may have about ..read more
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Great news for retirees – The Government have changed the rules on deeming and made them better!
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
You may not know this, but when Centrelink are assessing the income a retiree earns on their investments, they don’t directly assess the income that financial assets produce, but instead Centrelink will “Deem” financial assets to earn a set rate of return. The benefit of deeming financial assets are that: It helps to keep payments steady instead of going up and down based on investment returns; Provides an incentive to invest, as any interest rate achieved above the deeming rate doesn’t count as income. The deeming rate is considered to be a notional return of a variety of asset classes and wi ..read more
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Find out why SMSF is the biggest super sector in Australia right now
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
With over $750 billion dollars of Australian funds invested in Self Managed Super (SMSF) in Australia, it is by far the biggest superannuation fund segment of choice. It currently makes up 28% of the total superannuation pie and dwarfs its next closest rivals being the Industry and Retail funds, valued at less than $600 billion each. SMSF are a private super fund option that allows up to 4 members to bring their super together for a common investment purpose. Typically they are used by married couples, but we’ve seen them used between business partners and family units, with kids. The benefit ..read more
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Finalists in the 2019 IFA Excellence Awards! The ...
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
Finalists in the 2019 IFA Excellence Awards! The team at Yield Financial Planning are proud to announce that we have been named a Finalist in the 2019 IFA Excellence Awards for ‘Client Servicing Company’ of the Year. We are also pleased to announce that our Managing Director, James McFall has been recognised individually as a Finalist for ‘Goals Based Adviser’ of the Year. It's been an excellent year for us at Yield so far and this recognition of the work we are doing is amazing. Especially at a time that is so difficult for the industry at large. We’d like to say a special thankyou to ..read more
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EOFY Tax Planning Tips 2019 - Ways of getting your tax back
Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
EOFY Tax Planning Tips 2019 – Ways of getting your tax back If you ask yourself what your biggest expense is in your life, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?For most people it is not the tax that they pay, but in reality for almost all working Australian’s it is. This is why smart tax planning is so important. We are always talking with clients about controlling the controllables and managing the risks of the things outside of our control and tax is one expense that we have some control over. Below are some tips we’ve come up with to better manage your tax position, depending on your ..read more
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Yield Financial Planning
by James McFall
5y ago
INACTIVE SUPER ACCOUNTS FROM 01 JULY 2019 You’ve probably seen this advertised by now, but one of the changes that has come about of the Royal Commission is that from 01 July 2019, any super account which has not received a contribution or rollover in the last 16 months will be considered inactive and providers will be required to cancel any insurance cover within them.In order to keep your cover, you have an option to ‘opt-in’ to it, which is available through your super provider. Your provider will have needed to receive notification from you before 01 July or your insurance may be cancelled ..read more
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